Yesterday evening a girl friend and i were kindly invited to view this amazing garden; just down the road from where we live. The owners have developed this garden in the past 8 years into a living piece of art where you can loose yourself in amongst the beauty that exists around every corner. The front garden was designed from inspiration derived from many European gardens visited by the owners on there last trip overseas. The gorgeous potting shed sits proudly at the top of the potager where mass plantings of vegetables and cutting flowers are grandly displayed in various structured beds. You will see the owners are extremely clever at positioning various vintage finds around the garden to only better enhance the already beautiful design. The rusty rooster sits magically on top of the fence post; you expect him to come to life. And lastly but certainly not least the chook shed that the husband built out of recycled materials. Every bit enchanting , as it is this stage no chooks. We will have to see what we can do. And so there we have it ; an inspirational evening where we returned to our home totally inspired and proud of what our neighbours have accomplished in such a short time. Not a moment was there lack of conversation about this amazing garden well into our evening with a glass of wine in hand. Congratulations to our friends and neighbours.xxxxxxx
It's absolutely stunning. How lucky you were to be invited to take a close look :)
This garden is breathtaking. Great pictures. Amazing! It sounds like you had a fantastic day and lucky to have such wonderful neighbors.
I could live there!!! Beautiful!
I see that you had a wonderful evening with your neighbours .Enjoy every time !!
WOW! What an incredible garden. Just lovely.
I agree Amanda, the garden is gorgeous. Sorry I missed you the other day. Kerrie.
That garden looks incredible!!Its so nice to see some green leaves as well....over on this side of the world everything is still brown!! xx
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