Friday, October 12, 2012

 This week i have been planning some changes for the store.  We are thinking about painting the outside a different colour; and in the file i pulled out this delightful store called two sisters.....thinking mm could The Vintage Rose look good in these tones.  Tell me what you think.
 We are also going to be making more unique products for the store for our walk in customers plus our online customers to enjoy; yes you heard right finally i am taking the plunge and organising a online store.  So stay tuned for the opening day where we will have a wine and cheese celebration to release our new products and the opening of our online store.  There will be lots of new products that we have up-cycled and made; so we are all pretty excited about all the changes going on.
 Not to mention the release of all our lovely new Christmas products.
 Gorgeous new linens......
And some lovely antique furniture thrown in amongst everything else.  Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. vintage cream and barn red...yeap so happy and a look that catches your eye

  2. Yikes Im going to be a downer here...While the Two Sisters shop is very sweet, there is something about grey that I find cold and unfriendly. I know I am probably in the minority here. Everyone and their grandma seems to be on a grey kick at the moment. Eeek I just cant bring myself to embrace it. It reminds me of depressing winter days or churning oceans.
    I have read your blog for a while now and this is the first time I have ever commented...with a negative comment. What a champ I am.
    Love your store though. It is charming as is your blog... Redeeming myself yet? No... Poop!

  3. I thought you meant the colour of the cushions and that would be lovely. But then realised you wanted to paint it mortuary grey. Just saying.

  4. Im not sure about the colour either, maybe if you had a bright contrast colour....cant wait for the shopping online to begin!

  5. Well thank you guys for your honesty; I really appreciate it and you have confirmed my reservations. I would probably get sick of the grey. The other color or should I say neutral is a putty cream color. The trim could be a linen color; barn floor. I'll keep you posted on my color preferences and all of you can help me choose. Thanks again. Amanda. Xxxx

  6. Bonjour Amanda, I agree with the rest re the grey colour and was only saying to French Boyfriend this morning as we passed a medieval building that is in the process of being painted white with grey trim, what happens when the fashion changes? I love grey and white interiors but on exteriors it can look dull and depressing. Note this is coming from a girl that has vin rouge coloured shutters so I maybe a bit biased colour wise.

    Bon week-end à toi, Leeann x

  7. Oh I am so excited for the online shop.I hoe you will ship to the US? I love all your products.Best of Luck~Cheers Kim

  8. I love the grey, but I have lots of it in my house.

    Online shopping would be great. I love so much of your stuff and wish you were closer.


  9. You make your photos? The doing great.
